Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Eating GREEN for 1 week!

I've decided to follow Brooke Burke and eat everything green this week! See her plan HERE. Peyton is doing it with me. I'm sure she'll cave faster than I will. This should be somewhat simple for me. I LOVE greens. I did have a broccoli pita last night so I already cheated a tad. Green grapes for breakfast. I'm not a big fruit eater so breakfast is tough for me. Looking forward to some split pea soup for lunch! This is suppose to give you ample energy! We shall see :)


Jenna said...

Hmm.. I would try this but I would need some help figuring out exactly what to eat/fix/etc... I am not sure I could eat split pea soup for lunch and dinner for a week..lol

Tracy said...

LOL! I can eat spinach out of a can and be happy! I did have a broccoli pita today so I cheated a tad ;)